Thursday, March 18, 2010

2nd Rough Draft of research paper

Ariel Swingley
March 16, 2010
Environmental Science
Engineering the Solutions For Our Modern World
Our world today moves a mile a minute. Everything from talking to traveling is racing towards instantaneous and the technology making it possible is evolving at an even faster pace. It makes sense that in this engineered world of ours, that new problems should arise from the lives we live and the environments we live them in. It seems like in order to keep up with the next new thing in every aspect of life we have to keep moving forward and surpassing the previously accepted end points. However, many people seem to be resisting many of the new technologies and fields of study that could solve many of the problems facing everyone in this day and age. I argue that there should be no regulations upon biotechnology, genetic engineering or genetically modified organisms of their research because they have the potential to solve many modern and developing problems in agriculture, medicine and beyond.
Lets begin with the basics, what exactly are biotechnology, genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms? Biotechnology is the use of living things and/or organic processes to make marketable products, genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes, and a genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genes have been modified by genetic engineering processes. An easy way to think of these things is that biotechnology is the type of company, genetic engineering the work they do and a GMO is their product.
Some genetically engineered products are easily recognized like In vitro fertilization, recumbent human insulin and genetically modified, herbicide tolerant (GMHT) plants. In recent years some couple’s inability to conceive children, has come to the forefront of science. In vitro, which is Latin for ‘in glass’, fertilization is the process by which female eggs are stripped of their genetic information and is replaced by the genetic information of the mother and father. This process actually happens in a glass Petri-dish giving validity to its Latin name and its product’s common reference, test tube babies. The fertilized egg (zygote) is then implanted into the mother, or a surrogate mother’s uterus. This genetic engineering technique allows people who would naturally be unable to reproduce, to be ripe with children (in vitro fertilization often leads to multiples i.e. twins, triplets, etc.)
Another easily recognized product of genetic engineering is recumbent human insulin. Human bodies break down everything they are fed into sugars, which are then put into the blood stream and transferred into our cells for energy by means of insulin. Type one diabetics did not get so lucky. Due to a certain genetic mutation, type one diabetics do not make insulin, so the sugar they break down circulates in their blood streams until fatal chemicals are released. Thanks to the scientific geniuses at Genentech and Eli Lilly, type one diabetics now have recumbent human insulin, a mirror image of our natural insulin, made in a lab by genetic engineers.
A final example of a genetic engineering feat is genetically modified, herbicide tolerant (GMHT) plants. Farming is tough. Not only do you have to do all the manual labor of prepping soil, planting crops, watering and harvesting, you also have to deal with a percentage of your crop being ruined by pesky bugs. Monsanto Agricultural Biotechnology Company decided to take a stand, and engineered some of the first commercially grown GMHT plants. If you lay down the green for some Monsanto seeds, you are paying for the freedom to spray your plants with deadly toxins that will trample the attempts of Mother Nature to ruin your crop quota, because Monsanto GMHT crops can withstand the spray and live to see a riper day (Swingley 2010).
So if science is capable of all this what is the problem? Why on earth would anyone want to stifle our journey towards better farming, medicine and families? Well despite John Locke’s attempts at a government free of religious impediment, many people are not down with the idea of scientists crafting their dinner salads, children or health, for whatever personal reasons they choose. In fact between 20 and 30% of the USA’s population is against any type of GMO (Kwiecinski 2009). In Europe many EU state members have outlawed the widespread use of GM plants for their direct impacts of being potentially invasive and their enhanced ecological fitness, both of which could ruin their native plant life (Hails, 2002). However, despite many attempts at testing these theories, nothing conclusive has been proven (hails 2002), showing once again that it is hard to know what you don’t know, but that wont stop people from passing laws anyways.
As our science advances and our population grows, several related problems have popped up. Some examples are the daunting food and water shortages, food-growing space vs. living space and cancer. It has been projected that in 2050 our population and food demand will have doubled (Tilman 2002). That is a rather scary statistic considering that there currently is not enough produce in the United States for everyone we already have, to eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables daily. So how on earth are we supposed to keep up with those numbers when urban sprawl is already creeping into farm space? The answer is genetic engineering. We need plants that have more nutritional value, more easily harvested and that can survive in our changing climates, and there currently are none. We do not have time to waste hoping plants will evolve to our every needs; we need to assist the process. Regulating environments for the sake of biodiversity and scenery is nice, but don’t be surprised if in 40 years you don’t have any food. The next example is cancer. Why is it that as our technologies get more advanced more people have these raging diseases we can not figure out? Did people thousands of years ago get melanoma? Ovarian cancer? Or could these things be from the tanning boxes and laptops we created in the past decades? Well no one knows for sure, trust me I have definitely checked, but there is truth in recognizing that we are doing a lot of unnatural stuff theses days and somehow that has to effect us.
In conclusion, I argue that there should be no regulations upon biotechnology, genetic engineering or genetically modified organisms, or the research of them, because they have the potential to solve many modern and developing problems in agriculture, medicine and beyond. As we move forward at a pace unforeseen by those before us, we have to recognize that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton), and that suggests we need to either revert to all natural discourse or keep ahead of the curve and explore every option there is to balance the scale. Biotechnology, genetic engineering and GMO’s are just our way of keeping ahead of the curve and using what nature gave us, to sustain our life styles and momentum.

Works Cited

"About the Human Genome Project." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
Amunts, Alexey, Omri Drory, and Nathan Nelson. "The Structure of a Plant Photosystem I Supercomplex at 3.4 A? Resolution." Nature 447 (2007): 1-6. Print.
"BIO | About BIO." BIO | Biotechnology Industry Organization. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
BIO | Biotechnology Industry Organization. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
Endy, Drew. "Foundations for Engineering Biology." Nature 438 (2005): 1-5. Print.
"Gene Therapy." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
"Genentech: Research: Biotechnology." Genentech: Home. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
"Genentech: Research: Genomics." Genentech. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
"Genentech: Research: Milestones in Biotechnology." Genentech: Home. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - Biotechnology from Bench to Business. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. .
Huang, Jikung, Karl Pray, and Scott Rozelle. "Enhancing the Crops to Feed the Poor." Nature 418 (2002): 1-7. Print.
Pearson, Graham S. "How to Make Microbes Safer." Nature 349 (1998): 1-2. Print.
Sharma, Cynthia M., Steve Hoffmann, Fabien Darfeuille, Jeremy Reugnier, Sven FindeiB, Alexandra Sittka, Sarndrine Shabas, Kristin Reiche, Jorg Hackermullen, Richard Reinhardt, Peter F. Standler, and Jorg Vogel. "The Primary Transcriptome of the Major Human Pathogen Helicobacter Pylori." Nature (2010). Nature. Nature Publishing Group, 2010. Web. 8 Mar. 2010. .
Tilman, David. "Agricultural Sustainability and Intensive Production Practices." Nature 418 (2002): 1-7. Print.
Van ?t Veer, Laura J., and René Renards. "Enabling Personalized Cancer Medicine through Analysis of Gene-expression Patterns." Nature 452 (2008): 1-7. Print.
Wambugu, Florence. "Why Africa Need Agricultural Biotech." Nature 400 (1995): 1-2. Print.
Weber, Bruce H. "Back to Basics." Nature 445 (2007): 1-1. Print.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Biodiversity Reading

(Wrote this out on paper for homework and just copied to blog)
1. Intrinsic Value?
The view that nature is innately valuable
2. Ecological Services-> anthropocentric?
They are anthropocentric because they have economic, aesthetic or recreational value, all of which benefit humans.
3. Noah Principle?
The principle that the ‘usefulness’ of a species is not a consideration when discussing it’s conservation, but that the specie’s presence in the history of evolution is a good enough reason to protect it.
4. Is there truth to biophilia?
There must be some truth to the theory that environmentalism is hardwired into humans through natural selection because environmentalist exist and Native Americans and other cultures all over the world (unrelated) had similar ideals of connection to the earth, but it must be a trait some people miss out on because there are of course those who do not feel any sort of connection to the earth and really don’t care at all. I think it has to do with the type of person you are and whether or not you care about things that may not seem to directly affect you.
5. 3 Goods:
Domestic agriculture (crops) -> food supply
6. 4 Services:
Air Purification
Water Purification
Climate Regulation
Generation of moisture and oxygen
7. Gram of soil – Ecosystem?
1 gram: 2.5 billion fungi, 50,000 algae, 30,000 protozoa…. That is a whole bunch of living organisms in one small amount of soil all coexisting and functioning together… seems like an ecosystem to me.
8. Dangers of over-emphasizing:
1. Could create a bias towards which species to save (biodiversity no, no)
2. Could lead to the thought that ecosystems that don’t directly benefit humans are not worth preserving
9. Aesthetic value only for the wealthy?
No. Having natural wild reserves provides a very cheap and nice vacation for people who could not other ways afford it. It also provides free outlets for exercise. Certainly desolately poor families probably will not be able to appreciate them as often as those who have more available money to take vacations and things but it provides an opportunity for those with enough money to do that and not other vacations a place to go instead of not having the option at all.
10. Protection of biodiversity -> benefit human future
Biodiversity is not only the diversity of animals on the planet for the way they look, they each support an ecosystem. When there are no masquitos what do spiders eat? When the spiders die what do the animals that eat them eat? Loosing one species could mean eventually loosing all the animals we need.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Genetic Engineering Information

New useful sources:
Genetic Technology and Biotechnology News

Genetic Technology and Biotechnology News: Best of the Web (Genetics Specific)

Genetic Engineering The Facts (Book w/ Extensive Preview)

Genetic Engineering Second Edition (Book w/ Extensive Preview)

Genetic Engineering (Used Book $1.99 + shipping)

Genetic Engineering Volume 1 (Used Book $0.75 + shipping)

Human Genome Project:

Main Points:

Genetic Engineering is the direct manipulation of genes.
Techniques: Molecular cloning, transformation
Five steps of accomplishing manipulation:
1. Isolate desired genes
2. Insert desired genes into a transfer vector
3. Transfer of vector into organism
4. Organism's cells change
5. Select altered organism from non-altered organisms

Gene Therapy:
Altering a faulty or damaged gene that causes a disease

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No Impact Man

What Struck Me:
The wife's designer apparel addiction parallel's mine, or is the future of mine, and she WANTED to give it up. In fact it seems to me that she was the epitome of the over using out of sight and out of mind life style, so he was really making a difference by changing HER lifestyle. Her caffeine addiction terrifies me. I am ASTOUNDED by how much they were actually able to change. Some people may think that they did too much, but they really proved it was possible, and that gives me a lot of hope.

A huge thing that affected me was the parenting aspect of this video. How many people who want children or have children actually raise their own kids? Instead of handing them off to a nanny or subscribing them early to TV. A lot of people have kids because that is what they are 'supposed' to do at a certain age or once they get married, but how many are actually willing to give up their relax time in the afternoons to running around with their kids? Or their date nights and vacations to spending quality time raising their children? I want to be a surgeon and that means a lot of time in school, late nights and weird sleep times, will I be able to have children if I am going to raise them the way I want to? I am not sure I will.

Beyond even that, how much time and energy should go into living? How much of our days are spent in a half-conscience state? How much do we really have to think about? We microwave food or at best read recipes. What would our world be like if we had to make our own food, and follow our garbage to the dump? Is being 'lazy' a new characteristic to recent generations made possible by money interested corporations? Are profitable things only things that make stuff easier? THIS IS A TERRIFYING WEB OF SELF AND CULTURAL DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS!

What our SCHOOL can do:
Recycling: We have LOTS of aluminum and plastic but barely any paper and we are a SCHOOL. We are also awful at keeping this stuff straight. Our school majorly lacks in the organization of many things but if we could just get recycling straight it would have a big impact I think.
Carpooling: We are a commuter school, carpooling should be better as well. That is HUGE.
We should figure out what exactly being a new wave educational institution means and cut out the things we don't need. We should be ALL online or use smartboards, we need to go all the way on this if we are going to be a 'high tech' school and help the environment where we can.